We Really Are Green
Environmental Management ISO14001
Environmental Management ISO14001
We are continually working to minimise our impact on the environment and our Environmental Management System (EMS) is maintained to rigorous ISO14001:2004 international standards.
Each year, we invest significantly in reducing our affect on the environment, both because we wish to thrive as an exemplary corporate citizen and sustainable business, but also to reassure our clients that we are reducing the part we play in their supply chain.
In addition to this prestigiously recognised commitment, we set stringent, internal environmental targets. Our progress is regularly monitored by both our internal environmental manager and an independent, accredited auditor.
Federal Paperless Mandate
Implementation of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act
AGENCY: Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provides procedures and guidance to implement the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA). GPEA requires Federal agencies, by October 21, 2003, to allow individuals or entities that deal with the agencies the option to submit information or transact with the agency electronically, when practicable, and to maintain records electronically, when practicable. The Act specifically states that electronic records and their related electronic signatures are not to be denied legal effect, validity, or enforceability merely because they are in electronic form, and encourages Federal government use of a range of electronic signature alternatives."
White House Org Web Page on the Paperwork Elimination Act
The Paperless Office
The paperless office is defined as reduction or elimination of the use of paper. By converting paper documents into digital form the necessity of paper is reduced or eliminated entirely. By going paperless, there can be significant money saved, boosted productivity, reduction of space needed for storage, and make document and information sharing easier. By doing this, information can actually be made more secure, and the impact upon the environment is reduced.
We use soya inks and recycled paper

Carbon Emissions. On Track!
We are investing in monitoring, disclosing and reducing our corporate GHG emissions and are on track to continue to reduce both our Scope 1 & 2 footprint by an increased level through 2013. We meet Carbon Emissions standards within the globally accepted WRI GHG Protocol.
Environmental Impact of Paper Consumption
The consumption of paper is significant environmental impact. This impact has led to changes in industrial behavior for both business and personal activities. Because of effective modern technology the harvesting of wood for paper production has created relatively low pricing, paper as a cheap commodity has led to a high level of consumption and waste.
Changes in environmental awareness and increased government regulation has created a sharp focus on sustainability in the pulp and paper industry.
Commercial Waste
We separate all material in house and invest heavily in recycling every possible item of commercial paper and cardboard waste. In 2012, we prevented over 200 tons of our clients’ paper from entering landfills.
To see our other testimonial letters from satisfied BCPI customers here on our Customer Appreciation page.